The importance of role play and heritage experiences for children.
A common agony of parenthood is having to watch a child 'learn by
experience', usually in the context of doing something they have been
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The importance of role play and heritage experiences for children.
A common agony of parenthood is having to watch a child 'learn by
experience', usually in the context of doing something they have been
According to results of the 2007-2008 Australian Government’s National Health Survey, one-quarter of all Australian children, or around 600,000 children aged 5-17 years, are overweight or obese.
Overseas touring for sport, music and language specialist students.
Taking students on a one day excursion is an exercise in logistical
precision so the thought of taking kids not just out of the school, but
School camps can lead to the emergence of a Napoleon or a Neil Perry – and not in the person you might expect.
One thing that often emerges during the corporate role-plays of the
21st century is that it's not always the obvious leader who demonstrates
real "leadership".
Wide open spaces are a distinctive feature of the Australian landscape and perhaps like no other education system in the world, Australia offers its students many unique possibilities for outdoor learning in the natural environment and great opportunities for exploration and discovery.