Want the latest guidelines on dealing with allergy? Want the latest listings for new camps and excursions? Want to know how to make billy tea and damper around the campfire?

The Australian Directory of School Activities, Excursions and Accommodation is your one-stop resource for keeping you and your school in the loop – so you can plan fabulous and awe-inspiring excursions and camps!

Tuesday, 12 June, 2018 - 13:00
Learning Anxiety: 10 Ways to Calm Your Mind

It’s no secret that our emotional state can affect our learning abilities, and although a bit of anxiety about an exam or upcoming assignment is normal, when that stress builds up too much, it can hinder our ability to take in, process, and store new information.

Tuesday, 12 June, 2018 - 12:45
Students exercising

You’ve likely heard that exercise is good for the brain, but could you explain why exactly?

Wednesday, 30 May, 2018 - 12:00
Teachers helping Children Learn

The education landscape in Australia is changing like never before. In fact, the way that teachers such as those at The Knox School are approaching how and what they are teaching is changing.

Tuesday, 22 May, 2018 - 15:30
Television in the Classroom - Teaching Students

Watching TV in school might sound like a bad idea. Granted, in my own school days, the only time teachers let us watch movies was at the end of term as a treat, not for educational purposes.

Sunday, 21 May, 2017 - 12:00
Students playing games on bus trip

School camps, school excursions and road trips with a busload of energetic students can be challenging, to say the least. Forget headphones and some quiet time – you will need to stay on your toes to keep your students positive, focussed ... and in their seats!

Thursday, 3 May, 2018 - 13:30
Students playing sport

For teenagers, participation rates in sport activities are low, with latest figures showing just 40 per cent of high school students in Australia have participated in organised sport in the last year.

Monday, 30 April, 2018 - 00:00
Students enjoying a school camp

School camps can bring out the very best in your students as they as they forge new friendships, enjoy new experiences and spread their wings in a fun, safe and nurturing environment.

Monday, 30 April, 2018 - 00:00

Having a healthy self-esteem is a bit like armour – it protects your young charges against life's challenges. But chinks in the armour are common, and can create feelings of inadequacy that can snowball.

Monday, 30 April, 2018 - 00:00
Students at a School Camp

School camps are not just a source of fun; they also play an important role in developing life skills. Teachers have long known that the most effective way to teach students lessons about life is through fun and games.

Monday, 30 April, 2018 - 00:00
Students cooking on school camp

Cooking up a Colonial Storm…. Fun School Camp Recipes your students will love making!