Want the latest guidelines on dealing with allergy? Want the latest listings for new camps and excursions? Want to know how to make billy tea and damper around the campfire?

The Australian Directory of School Activities, Excursions and Accommodation is your one-stop resource for keeping you and your school in the loop – so you can plan fabulous and awe-inspiring excursions and camps!

Thursday, 1 October, 2020 - 14:00
Online School Incursions SEA LIFE MELBOURNE AND LEGOLAND Discovery Centre

Merlin Entertainments’ Melbourne attractions SEA LIFE Melbourne Aquarium and LEGOLAND Discovery Centre are now offering online workshops for primary school classrooms across Victoria.

Aligned with the Victorian Curriculum with a focus on STEM disciplines, the online interactive classes bring students face-to-face with our experienced educators and can be run via Google Classroom, Zoom or Skype.

Friday, 18 September, 2020 - 15:00
Experiential Learning and Classroom Teaching

2020 has seen some big shifts in education and as teachers we find ourselves facing the extraordinary challenge of reinventing the way we teach. For many teachers making the rapid transition from classroom teaching to online learning has been a first.

Tuesday, 25 August, 2020 - 10:00
Virtual School Excursions and Incursions

For many schools, excursions, incursions and camps are on the back burner for now. But just because you can’t travel doesn’t mean your students can’t enjoy some of Australia’s – and the world’s – most amazing experiences and sights.

Whether it’s Parliament House in Canberra, the Louvre Museum in Paris or even Mars, we have you covered!

Thursday, 6 August, 2020 - 13:45
Transitioning to Secondary School

The transition from primary to middle and secondary school presents a bag of mixed emotions for most students.

Fast Fact - The Tell Them From Me findings show that peer relationships in primary school are a strong predictor of students’ adjustment to secondary school. Primary schools can help students develop strategies to build relationships and work successfully with others

Tuesday, 21 July, 2020 - 14:45
NT School Excursions

What can an NT Learning Adventure offer your students?

The vast Northern Territory offers amazing school excursion opportunities; different to any other you’ve experienced. What other single destination can you learn about environmental science, geology, Australian aboriginal history, pioneer, pastoral and military history, indigenous language and culture, innovative technology, remote health and education services, renewable energy and sustainability?

Thursday, 9 July, 2020 - 13:15
Getting Students to Exercise

It’s no secret that most kids love movement and physical activity. Just ask any teacher fronting a class of squirming students minutes from the lunch bell!

That’s great news, because research suggests that children who adopt healthy lifestyle patterns grow into adults with healthy lifestyle patterns.

The benefits of physical activity for children go far deeper than just physical health.

Tuesday, 23 June, 2020 - 13:00
Climate Change Awareness for Students

The world has been arguing, bantering and disagreeing about climate change – and where we’re collectively at – for many years.

But when 11,000 scientists from around the world recently joined to sign a scientific paper declaring a climate emergency, the world sat up and listened.

Tuesday, 2 June, 2020 - 14:00
Emotional Wellbeing

School excursions and school incursions teaching students to learn how to bounce back and help their emotional wellbeing

Each day, life throws us curveballs. An argument. Bitter disappointment. Feeling lonely. Feeling sad. Or just feeling out of sorts. The challenge is learning how to bounce back from setbacks and thrive despite them.

Tuesday, 2 June, 2020 - 10:30
School Excursions to help Australian Wildlife

Great Ways School Excursions Can Help Aussie Wildlife

Friday, 15 May, 2020 - 08:45
Sydney Learning Adventures - Online Digital School Excursions

Due to the current COVID-19 restrictions, Sydney Learning Adventures has not been running any excursions.  However we have been busy creating virtual tours a the ICC Sydney virtual events studios including 2 primary programs and 2 secondary programs which is now available as a virtual online prog