Wednesday, 10 October, 2018 - 10:45
Children on educational school camp

Whether it be a local, interstate or international camp great school camps take planning and effort but the rewards can be fulfilling for both students and teachers and can be something that students will remember long into the future. 

To get some great ideas for your school camps visit and start searching for your students' perfect school camp.

The importance of school camps and the benefits school camps offer students are:

  • Exposing students to different cultures and countries allows students to experience new environments and ideas and helps with students personal development.
  • Development of independence skills - school camps can often be the first time a child is away from family and home for a few nights. Parents are not around to remind them to wash, eat healthy food and to look after them.  School camps are a great opportunity for children to learn independence skills like how to look after themselves and do things on their own. Most children rise to the challenge and learn to rely on themselves when they spend time away from family and their home.
  • Having a strong, positive relationship with their teacher/s can assist in students learning and school camps can help these relationships and gives teachers and students an opportunity to get to know each other outside of the classroom.  Camp concerts are a great way for students and teachers to work together on a fun project - for some great tips and ideas on camp concerts take a look at Shake a leg - best ever camp concerts.
  • Helps develop a student's social skills - school excursions and school camps offer a great opportunity for students to develop a range of social skills. School camp activities tend to involve team work, which helps to strengthen established friendships and create new friendships by working with students they don’t regularly socalise with at school.  During school camps, children have the opportunity to learn about caring, understanding and acceptance.
  • Development of decision-making skills - Should I stay up late with my friends or should I go to bed as I am tired? Should I eat the third biscuit? Teachers are not able to constantly watch over students at camp so children are able to make more of their own decisions and choices.
  • Increased environmental awareness - at school camps, students are exposed to real nature-based experiences. Hands-on activities in the outdoors stimulate all senses and help learning. Students become more aware of the environment, develop outdoor skills and an appreciation for nature.  For some fun nature based activities on your school camp take a look at  Nature Games - Fun Activities with an Environmental Focus.


Sources referenced to create this blog: