Wednesday, 5 April, 2023 - 16:15
Staying Healthy on a School Camp

It’s not only students who have trouble getting a full night’s sleep or feel the effects of too much sun and boisterousness at school camp. We offer our top tips to staying sane, healthy and in control at school camp.

Stay on top of stress

Taking a large group of students on camp can be stressful. Besides the responsibility of looking after the safety and wellbeing of so many young people, camp can by physically and emotionally demanding. It’s important to put some strategies in place to manage stress and prevent burnout – whether it be taking a few deep breaths, practising meditation or yoga in the evenings or starting the day with a walk in nature.

Connect with colleagues

While school camps can be busy and demanding, they also offer a wonderful opportunity to connect with other teachers and caregivers on camp. Take time out to socialise and have fun together – and get to know each other on a deeper level. Sharing experiences and challenges can help you feel supported and less stressed on camp.

Stay active

School camps offer an ideal opportunity to incorporate exercise and activity into your day. Participate in as many activities and games with your students as you can – and don’t forget to take some time out at the start or end of the day to go for a quick walk, or stretch.

Prioritise a good night’s sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is probably one of the biggest challenges for both students and educators on camp. Often, teachers are up late planning the next day’s activities or dealing with student issues. But it’s important to prioritise sleep, because a lack of it can lead to fatigue, poor mood and reduced immune function. Try to stick to a regular sleep schedule and create a comfortable sleeping environment by bringing your own pillow or quilt.

Stay sun safe

Hot weather and the beating of the sun’s rays can sap the energy of even the strongest and healthiest members of staff. Stay sun safe by wearing a wide brim hat, slathering on sunscreen, taking rest breaks in the shade and drinking lots of water.

Eat healthily

It’s important to enjoy a balanced, healthy diet on camp to support overall health and keep energy levels high. Include plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables in your meals and opt for lean protein sources and whole grain carbohydrates where possible. It’s also a good idea to keep a stash of nuts, seeds and fresh fruit on hand to help you get through your day and resist less healthy food options.

Take regular breaks

That’s impossible, we hear you say! But taking regular breaks to rest and recharge will help you deal with the physical and emotional rigours of camp. Whether it’s a few minutes to sit and enjoy the scenery or a longer break to take a cat nap or read a book, make sure you prioritise your own needs and take time to care for yourself.

While camps can be great fun – and offer many social and educational benefits – they can also be challenging and tiring for teachers. However, by taking some simple steps, teachers can make the most of the camp experience and return home relaxed and healthy.