Wednesday, 22 December, 2021 - 14:15
Starting a new school year - tips for teachers

The beginning of a new school year is a great time to make a fresh start and positive changes that will benefit you and your students.  So help get 2022 off to a great start with our tips below. 

Identify and Make a List of Your Classroom Problem Areas

Things that are not working in the classroom for either you or your students.  List them in priority order by assessing which has the most negative impact most frequently on you and your students. For example;

  • keeping the classroom tidy
  • classroom organisation
  • behaviour management
  • Homework
  • home/school communication.

Starting at the top of your list - Work out a solution for each problem some helpful tips include:

  • Ask your teacher friends and colleagues how they do it
  • Search the web for solutions
  • read blogs and teacher focused websites
  • list to podcasts
  • collaborate with your students

Take Care of Yourself and Encourage your Students to do the same

  • exercise regulary
  • eat well
  • try to reduce stress – practice yoga and mindfulness techniques
  • get enough sleep
  • spend time with friends and family
  • try to not put too much pressure on yourself and take well deserved breaks

End the Year Well

Before you start to enjoy your well deserved holiday try to ensure you “close” the year mentally/emotionally and literally.

  • make sure your desk is clear.
  • recycle or throw out items that are broken or no longer work
  • archive notes / textbooks / lesson plans in an easy way to locate when the new year begins.

Evaluate / Set New Goals

Think back over the last year of teaching and ask yourself  “What went well this year?” and “What didn’t go so well?”

Focus on things that you have control over (eg. Ability to improvise when things don’t go accordingly to plan) rather than what you can’t change (eg. Internet speed etc). Concentrate on improving the items you have control over such as a backup plan if the internet fails during class.

Make a list of some goals for the next year.  For example:

  • Career Development
    • Attend a workshop / webinar / conference
    • Listen to Podcasts
  • Planning
    • Schedule time to prepare for the following week.
    • Use folders / filing systems to organise lessons plans / notes etc.


Take time to recharge – use some of your holidays to disengage from work.

  • Take a holiday away – even a short break with help you rejuvenate
  • Spend time with friends and family
  • Go to the movies / watch a play / attend a concert
  • Spend some time reading or listening to your favourite podcasts
  • Pursue you hobbies or start a new one
  • Take up yoga or mediation

Prepare for the next term in the second-to-last holiday week

This will give you the final week to truly relax.

  • Set time aside to
    • download materials / notes
    • read through new books you’ll be working on
    • plan the first few lessons
    • organize your work bag etc.

