Friday, 11 March, 2022 - 12:00
School Incursions Roman Empire

Rome wasn’t built in a day nor did it’s army, the Roman legion emerge out of nowhere!

Back2History presents the following NSW Stage 4 History curriculum aligned incursion program…

Caesar in Gaul!

Using replica arms and armor, students will experience demonstrations of how the Roman legion developed from the city state militia that copied Greek styles of fighting to the all-conquering legions which Caesar led into Gaul.

In addition to showcasing Roman arms and armor (the ultimate historical source!); this program covers curriculum content such as:

  • Beliefs, Values and Practices of the Romans
  • Contact and impact with other peoples around the Mediterranean
  • Significant character study on Rome’s greatest General and Politician, Julius Caesar

Whether you’re a teacher trying to get a class excited for a new topic of study or consolidate a whole term of learning, this program will complement any stage 4 study into this significant civilization and its most impressive military.

At a very economical price of $8 per student, history faculties can be assured that they are not only getting great value for money but make crucial savings on not having to include transport costs. In addition, teachers can have peace of mind of having a minimal risk activity take place in their own controlled school environment.

What’s more, Back2History also understands that programs are at their best when they are flexible and is always open to tailoring their presentations to maximise their impact on student learning so when you do contact us, please feel free to let us know what you need and what you are after, we are all ears!

Get ‘Em out of the text books and bring them…