Monday, 11 April, 2022 - 12:45
Fun vacation care holiday program

Are you are looking for a fun incursion for your vacation care holiday program that offers loads of fun with less stress?

Here is a way to keep your entire centre engaged, from preppies to preteens.

It's a Laser Tag in a Box rental. 

Here’s why a do-it-yourself laser tag hire is a great choice when planning an activity for your service.

Playing Laser Tag fosters “soft skills” such as communication (speaking & listening), teamwork, and strategy.

The click-n-go generation is tech-savvy, they want activities that relate to them and their experiences. 

Most students love video games, so a live-action version will spark their interest. Even students who don’t play video games absolutely love a laser tag incursion.  

It’s a way to get the kids and tweens off their screens, at least for a while.

Here are seven reasons why Laser Tag should be your go-to incursion! 

Reason #1: Create Camaraderie!

Laser Tag is the perfect way to create memories among your students. It’s an activity that brings them together and fosters friendships. More than that, it builds a sense of community.

This is all because of the team-based mechanic of the game. All players are either on the Red Team or Blue Team. They work together to achieve victory! Not only that, but half the kids win half the team.

Each team needs to work together and communicate with one another to achieve victory. Often kids that don’t talk in other settings come alive, interacting with their peers. 

Reason #2: Inspire their Imagination

Laser Tag games can be played indoors or outdoors, around trees or inflatables. So, it is a great offline school activity. 

Maybe services set up a maze in the school hall.

And the best part? You can make an activity out of it. Many vacation cares hold a painting day in the leading up to the Laser Tag day. Kids get a cardboard box to paint. They can create a camo pattern with greens and browns, or let their imagination run wild!

Once the boxes are dried, they can stacked on top of each other and act as “forts”. Laser Tag is a lot like hide and seek, so the more places to hide – the better! 

Reason #3: Great for all services

Vacation care services come in all sizes, from a dozen kids to over a hundred, and Laser Tag in a Box has a pack to suit. The great thing about an all-day rental is you can have the kids play in groups (we recommend splitting them up by age). Not everyone has to play at once!  

For small centres, packs of 4 or 8 are perfect. If your centre looks after a hundred students, we recommend a pack of 24 or 28.  

“We're not sure if the children or educators had more fun but overall we all went home tired and worn out! the children were so disappointed when they found out it was only hired and we didn't get to keep it. Even the parents wanted to join in on the action […] They've already started begging for us to bring laser tag back next holidays! absolute ball!” - Eumundi OSHC

Reason #4: Controlled Environment

Laser Tag in a low risk, stimulating activity. The DIY packs are delivery to your door, so no need to travel off campus. The equipment is made to be easy to use and come pre-set.

All you need to do is switch it on! That means no one but your staff are interacting with the kids. Have peace of mind with DIY Laser Tag.

Reason #5: Be the best they can be

Laser Tag allows the children to shine and employ their talents. It’s all about encouraging learning and growth through fun!

Kids of all fitness levels can play Laser Tag. It’s super inclusive!

“Our OSHC service always books out when we have later tag on our holiday program. The children play all day and the activity encourages their physical health as well as mental alertness.” – Coominya BAVC

Reason #6: Fuel Independence

Every child plays a part in the victory. Each student must take decision making into their own hands.

While each player is independent, teamwork is still important. The games are inherently meaningful to them. Because kids love to play (and most love to play video games!). And they love to play when they are out & active & experience something new. So a live-action role play, like laser tag, is a great choice.

Reason #7: Creativity & Individuality

Every child dreams of being a hero. They might have a favourite superhero or love the idea of exploring frontiers like the “wild west” or “space”. To inspire their creativity and let them express their individuality, why not make the Laser Tag day a dress up day too? Encourage the kids to wear their best “hero” or “adventurer” costume!

Laser Tag is the perfect activity for the kids to live out their adventures.

“Provided children with ability to self-regulate, set up camp applying their imagination and creativity. A true sense of adventure outdoors.” - Genesis Christian College 

Summing Up

Our experienced booking officers make it straightforward for Centre Coordinators and Educators to book a laser tag event for your school holiday program.

So, start planning your next incursion with Laser Tag in a Box.     

For more info, contact us at 1800-Book-Us PH: 1800 266 587